Shoring, Sheeting, Piling
Services / Bridge Construction / Shoring, Sheeting, Piling
Services / Bridge Construction / Shoring, Sheeting, Piling

Shoring, Sheeting, Piling
There’s often a need for specialized support structures like sheeting, shoring, and piling. At GOH, we bring our expertise to bear on these critical components, ensuring the success and safety of bridge projects.
Sheeting serves a dual purpose. It acts as a barrier, holding back water when working near bodies of water for dewatering excavations and shoring up roads or adjacent structures during excavation to prevent instability. Piling, another essential facet of our bridge construction, involves bearing piles, typically H-piles, driven into the ground to support the bridge structure, particularly in uncertain soil conditions. A sturdy footer is poured atop these piles to create a robust base that guarantees the bridge’s solid stability and longevity.
We understand that the success of any bridge construction project hinges on the meticulous implementation of support structures like sheeting, shoring, and piling. Whether it’s dewatering excavations, shoring up adjacent infrastructure, or ensuring stability through bearing piles, we bring our expertise to every aspect of the process ensuring the bridges we build stand strong for generations to come.