Mission and Philosophies
Looking forward since 1952, executing as one team.
Mission and Philosophies
Looking forward since 1952, executing as one team.
Mission Statement
Our Goal
To be the recognized leader for heavy construction, products, and customer solutions.
Our Passion
To build, serve, and advance the communities in which we live and work.
Our Formula for Success
Premier people safely achieving our goals; profitably, with integrity, and excellence.

How we…
Safety Philosophy
We are dedicated to the belief that Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. associates rank among the best and most productive in the construction and aggregate production industry. Health and personal safety at work and at home is a paramount concern and priority of GOH, Inc. Therefore, our goal for managing safety at GOH, Inc. is to achieve ZERO injuries.

We Believe:

“Teamwork and safety are not final destinations, they are a continuous journey.”
– Dan Hawbaker, President
These beliefs are the cornerstone from which all safety principles and policies will be built. This philosophy and each associate’s personal commitment, provide the necessary framework for achieving safety excellence.
We will work to create safety as a lifestyle. We will strive to have our associates make it a part of each work day and urge that it be carried into their lives away from work.
Environmental Philosophy
We recognize the importance and need to operate our business in harmony with the environment. We will employ the best management practices to maintain and improve the quality of our air, water and soils. Our goal is for our work to have a positive impact to the environment in which we all share. We will exercise wise resource management to include conservation, preservation and recycling efforts.

We Believe:
We are all custodians of the environment in which we live at home and at work. We have an obligation to future generations to maintain and improve the precious resources we have.