Williamsport Regional Airport Upgrades
GOH is currently working on a $1.25 Million project at the Williamsport Regional Airport in Montoursville, Lycoming County, PA. The general work scope of the project consists of the reconstruction of the existing Taxiway C between Runway 12-30 and Runway 9-27. The Taxiway is being reconstructed to comply with recent FAA standards related to geometry requirements at taxiway intersections. This reconstruction includes some new pavement areas and the complete removal of some existing pavement due to the updated geometry. In addition, the current taxiway edge lights, which are incandescent, will be removed and new LED taxiway edge lights and guidance signs will be installed. The existing conduit and electrical cables will also be replaced. Along with the Taxiway “C” improvements, Taxiway “B” and Taxiway “F” will be cleaned, crack repaired, and re-marked.
The FAA subbase material was produced at GOH’s Pleasant Gap quarry and the FAA asphalt was produced at GOH’s Montoursville plant. Once the material hit the job, it was clear this wasn’t our first “airport rodeo.” Special thanks to Transportation, Quality Control Director Tom Abbey, Quality Control Leader Rick Hetzel, Area Leader Ryan Reichart, and Plant Leader Scott Reck. A significant amount of planning and coordination by Foreman Kevin Remsnyder and the project team has been required to execute GOH’s work while maintaining Airport operations. Job well done by the site work crews of Foreman Kevin Remsnyder, and Foremen Tom Woodhead and Steve Myers. Foreman Lonnie Duck and crew, with seasoned Density Technician Coordinator Kurt Packer, knocked it out of the park with an outstanding paving job under the leadership of General Super Evan Mumma. Test results for void, gradation, mat cores, and joint cores all passed with 100% PWL! Weather pending, the project should finish at least two (2) weeks ahead of schedule. Thank you to everyone involved for their efforts in making this a safe and successful project.